Becoming Global Citizens: Empowering High School Students to Embrace Diversity and Cultivate a Global Mindset

As we progress as a generation and our global horizons expand, the phrase “it’s a small world” seems to lose its significance. With each passing day and every new advancement in the daily lives of the upcoming generation, we observe a shift towards confinement, individuality, and detachment from the global community.

However, the concept of global citizenship has evolved over the ages, and its importance can still be seen today. For instance, in the 16th century, the average person in Europe lived in a village or town of about 500 people. In contrast, in the 21st century, the average person in Europe resides in a city of about 1 million people. This significant increase in community size demonstrates the expansion of the global community. In these cities of millions, we find a blend of ethnicities from around the world, reaffirming the notion of a global community as the center of modern-day demographics.

Nevertheless, it is important to address the rise of egoistic ideas in the newer generation. The concept of self and self-centric growth is not a novel concept; it has prevailed throughout various eras. Caligula, the Roman emperor from 37 to 41 AD, famously declared, “I am the only one who is important.” Although such ideologies were not widely appreciated even back then, Caligula had the luxury to proclaim such sentiments at that time.

In our current situation, where global warming, rising temperatures, depletion of natural resources, and human greed and activities continue to escalate, if we were to espouse a similar mindset today, we might very well be the last ones with the ability to speak. Future generations may lack the means to support their survival.

Considering the background I have presented thus far, I believe I have captivated your attention on the topic at hand: global citizenship. To put it simply, global citizenship entails recognizing that our actions have an impact on people all over the world and that we bear a responsibility to work together to create a more just and sustainable world. Every action we take, no matter how small, can set off a chain of events akin to a cascading effect or a butterfly effect, leading to unforeseen consequences.

Let’s consider an example: imagine you dropped a pencil in class and neglected to pick it up, thinking, “What harm can a pencil do?” As a result, your teacher steps on the pencil, slips, and breaks bones. They need to be taken to a hospital and are assigned five days of bed rest. Consequently, your class misses out on crucial course material for an upcoming exam, and you fail to grasp the content. The ripple effect of this seemingly insignificant action has led to an unfavorable outcome. This illustrates how even our smallest actions can have a profound impact on the global demographic, creating waves that can cause either applause for your efforts towards global good or terror due to the atrocities you have unintentionally caused.

Being a global citizen means taking responsibility for your actions, embracing the world you live in as part of your individual identity, and recognizing the impact you, as an individual, have on it.


Becoming a global citizen is not always easy, but it is crucial. We all have a role to play in creating a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Here are some specific actions you can take to be a global citizen:

Learn about different cultures and perspectives. Expand your knowledge by reading books, watching documentaries, or traveling to other countries.

Get involved in your community. Volunteer, donate to local organizations, or attend community events to actively contribute to your surroundings.


Support organizations striving to make the world a better place. Address global issues such as poverty, hunger, and climate change by donating money, volunteering your time, or raising awareness about their work.

Make small changes in your own life. Implement sustainable practices, such as reducing resource consumption, recycling, and using fair trade products, to promote environmental conservation and social justice.

These suggestions are just drops in the ocean of global citizenship. The concept encompasses far more than one can imagine. However, I implore you to take the first step, pick up that metaphorical pencil you dropped, and shape the future for generations to come.



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As an organization focused on student development, we strive to provide high school students with a comprehensive platform for co-curricular programmes. We believe in empowering students with the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary for success in their chosen careers

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